- He was reading straight from a parable from scripture which defaults it to the fact the Holy Spirit was given free reign.
- Epa recently experienced something similar to the prodigal son
- He is currently experiencing something right now that is similar to this parable
- When we're talking about Jesus' parables, we can all relate!
Eden's Landing Seventh Day Adventist Youth
Sunday, May 29, 2011
ELZ - Prodigal Son
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Girls at Edens Landing
This blog is going up while I'm thinking of it. It's regarding the young girls at the Edens Landing SDA church. I hope that you will receive this message in the tone that it's intended to be and that is a word of affirmation, not glorification or worse yet blatant flattery.
I have observed for a long time now, and I risk being misinterpreted here, but I am very grateful for the girls that I know at ELSDA. In a world and society that is crazily under attack from subtle to the most obvious profanities, and for the young people, mostly via media, music,video, social networking etc. The message that seems to be barraging girls is to look "sexy", now when I was 15, if a girl wore high shorts, or a skimpy singlet, that was considered (insert politically correct word here). Today it's the norm, maybe because Brisbane is a pretty warm city, but young girls strutting around in this gear is mediocre. First off, it begins with the push of a concept, which enters the mind of a fashion designer finding a niche in the market, and then you find these strange clothes in the kids section? AYYYEE??? It's all a deliberate dilemma for girls, trying yet again to further identify themselves with their aesthetics.
However! What I find with the women (or girls for want of a more appropriate word), is that they often look and scrub up very well when it comes to the clothing department. There doesn't seem to be a push to look like a girl working the curb corners in the red light district if you know what I mean? Not just at church, but in general. Why I make this observation is that our clothes usually says something about our character, and from what I know about most of our girls, they have great character. Pretty, courteous and intelligent. This is encouraging to see and know because, I have young girls that a very dear to me, namely, my nieces and my daughter. And I really want them to pick up on this trait as well.
Some have asked how I hooked up with Sokha when she wasn't a christian or samoan. My answer is this, it was character. I had been with girls that ticked most of the boxes, but Sokha was one of a kind, she wasn't and SDA christian, but everything that Dad told me to look out for was there in my (now) wife.
· How does she treat her Dad?
· Is she hospitable?
· Is she industrious? (Please ask me what the means if you don't know)
· And more from my father's advice
She ticked all those boxes, and it was no surprise that when she started bible studies, Jesus was right and perfect for her because she could now acknowledge the source of who had been carving and continues to carve her character.
Unfortunately there's a downside, when girls of your kind with such high calibre are around, guys who are walking in the shadows are not only intimidated but are not suitable for you. If you choose to make the biggest commitment in your life, you will need a man who can match your calibre. 2 Cor 6:14 - Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? And these type of guys are few and far between. My encouragement to you is stay close to God. God created Eve for Adam, so you would need to keep this in mind. Adam was asleep, and God brought Eve to him. So it nearly appears that the best type of guy to look for is one who is "created" by God and is "asleep" I relate to this word as "not looking" because when I met Sokha, I certainly was not interested in a marriage relationship. God bless you girls, So although most girls have been conditioned to think they should look "sexy" it should really be about "character" - that is where true beauty exists. I look forward to seeing you grow into women that God intended you to be!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
South Brisbane AY Service
First off, I was blessed in more ways than one. Daisy inspired us in devotion about how the man-of-opportunity Nehemiah was to spearhead the project in rebuilding Jerusalem. What a great story! Then the songs came together pretty quickly.
Most of our youth made it to South Brisbane on time (Big thumbs UP!). And for the most part we all made it for the first song of rise & build. Personally I was shocked on a few levels, I didn't realise I was doing the opening prayer until I saw the program, and I didn't know that we were in for two main meals if you know what i'm saying? I had "assumed" that the first was an appetiser followed by the mains, but I was wrong. The health talk was informative, and I received a few uppercuts from it too. But in all cases it's a must to be healthy. The second talk I was in and out but from what I gathered it sounded interesting. I only struggled with the "Unbelief is a sin" comment that kept being emphasised, as doubt is not a sin. George cleared that up for me this morning, simply put "doubt = undecided, unbelief=pure rejection". So if anyone thought the same, I hope that helps.

I'm so proud of all of you, not so much that you all sounded like angels and sung awesomelly, but that you've committed on a number of occasions to get to practices, and also show up at where we're suppose to sing. It's important that you note our parents that support, and also other church members who come to see you all. This is evidence that you're not left to minister or witness on your own. I'll say this, and I'll keep saying it again, the friends you have around you now maybe the only circle of friends that you will feel comfortable to discuss real issues, pray together and discuss biblical topics. So don't take us all for granted.
Great feedback was had by a lot of people, but I had to scoot off real quick and didn't get to meet to much of the south brisbane folk and you too. Thanks heaps to Juanita (and your Dad of course) for rousing up video and also the great photo's. (I hope we can all take leaf from Juanita and see how much of a blessing it is to keep record of our youth goings-ons).
So let's keep this ball rolling. I'm looking forward to seeing what fruit is in store for our youth. You know what's really buzzy about the Nehemaiah story? If you keep reading it through, you'll find that at the opening of the new Jerusalem, it says that the celebrations which included a HUGE choir could be heard miles away!! WHOA MAN! That's the kind of celebration we should look forward to, that's the kind of choir style we should be singing, that's the kind of Jesus that brings this type of blessings for us! YEAAAH BUDDDAY! God bless you all this week!