Eden's Landing Seventh Day Adventist Youth

Hanging out with: Eden's Landing Seventh Day Adventist Youth

Friday, October 21, 2011

Double portion of blessings in a Single weekend - Weddings and Baptisms

I've left this a tad late, but better late than never as the thoughts and the feelings haven't really faded from the weekend two weeks back.

Sabbath Morning (Sat Morning) - October 8th had the church service running at a different pace. That morning was a demonstration and a public ceremony of 6 individuals who had being familiarising themselves with Christ, the Word and recognising their value as a Child of God and in return they wanted to declare that they had entered a committed relationship as such.

It's always exciting as it reminds me of my commitment, and the excitement that Christ brings in my life, and that the biggest miracle is the fact that our thought patterns, and life styles can be changed.......all because our creator is willing to recreate us.

It was an incredibly fitting ceremony for two of them in particular as they were to marry the following morning. Joe and Janice are a couple that I have known for awhile, Joe I've known since teaching him in our teens class at church a decade back, and Janice...some time after Joe had met her.

This relationship hasn't been the rosiest cliche romance novel, in fact it was riddled with trials and challenges that even I recall Joe saying "I just can't handle it, I don't see any way out"

Joe and Janice were still in high school when Janice became pregnant to their first child. As you can imagine, this introduced complications in their personal lives that media often informs of "Teen Mums/Pregancy etc". Joe being a typical Samoan, from a Christian family, still young and looking to a future in football, became embarrassed and confused. His absence from church was duly noted, but it never stopped the church from going to him.

Janice on the other hand was battling with Joe being confused, and wondering why he couldn't just step up to the plate. She too was young, and had aspirations herself, but circumstances had changed with baby in the picture and seemingly single-handledly raising their son.

It's been four years since that time, and after many prayers, family support, and from friends and church, they themselves appear to be babies as they start their new walk with Christ.

I had the privilege of spending Tue nights this past year, in Bible Studies with Joe, and frequently he would pause, (so the whole group would pause knowing he's in thought) and he would say, "it's buzzy how God always has another way". It's a sure contrast to his previous philosophy. But it's true 1 Cor 10:13 - No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted[b] beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

This past year he gave up one of his most prized passions, Rugby League Football, and not only that he was playing at representative level. The reason why, because he wanted to focus on his relationshiop with Christ and family. This was evident in his dedication to not only quitting the game but also studying on Tue nights, and attending another bible study group with Janice on wednesday nights run by another indivual from our church. The changes in his character, attitude, behaviour and demanour came by default.

The following Sunday was their wedding day, and the whole event was saturated with an aura of the two being overwhelmed with their commitment to each other. I thought and felt so much towards the both of them as I reflected on Janice saying about two years ago that all she wanted was for Joe to commit to her and the kids and make them his number one. I remembered how Joe went from being hopeless, drifting , and thinking himself ill-equipped to play the role, to repeatedly share through his baptism and wedding speeches that "God was there all the time, and He always has a way"

What a thrill it is to be a witness to these type of commitments! Although Bapstisms are to symbolise the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus. There are so many parallels that we can draw between the baptism and wedding ceremonies.

For instance:

  • It 's a public ceremony and declaration
  • It's binding by sharing vows
  • You are entering a relationship for eternity
  • You agree to have roles to play in this relationship
  • Counselling is involved

And the wedding of bride and groom is the perfect illustration that is used in the bible. The wedding ceremony is not to make the bride and groom perfect. But to assist and aid them in increasing their faith towards each other and to hold them accountable before God and many witnesses. When they share their vows, they haven't yet fulfilled what they're saying. They are simply telling the other person what they intend and promise to do in this covenant relationship. That is faith. And when husband and wife rise to the occasion. That is works. And the more works is motivated by faith, the closer the relationship becomes and the stronger the unit works together.

The Bride and the Groom look at each other, and embedded in the list of vows and the display of ceremony are the unsaid words "I love you as you are right now, I know you and what you were, but right now I love you, and I am willing to face the rest of my life trusting and working with you"

Glory to God for preserving these ceremonies, and working in these individuals, thank you to Peter, Lydia, Gillary, Patrick, Janice and Joe for sharing your walk and accepting our family, and thank you to Joe and Janice for trusting in the Father and allowing us to witness your miracle. May you all continue to trust him even more as a new couple.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.



Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Jingle bell's stress bells are ringing!

Yes, it’s that time of year... struggling to make ends meet financially? Finding it hard to make time available for quality family time? Head in the gutter over studying? Stressed? Lacking motivation or the happiness in life? Well Christmas is just around the corner... with that season greetings and jingle bells ringing. For some Christmas maybe far fetched... before then there are other things or duties to tend to:  Work, uni, school, church, and other tasks that occupy your time. What may seem as obvious sources of stress can be seen as a blessing in our lives...

 For instance we need money for general expenses which in modern times can be challenging for parents and those with these duties and can take a toll mentally and physically. We’ve been encouraged to seek and set out to be successful in our studies.  Younger children in primary and secondary education are setting out to pursue the same trend in being successful. For those sporting fanatics world cup is drawing to its end with the number one ranked team ‘All Blacks’ set to take on ‘ the French’ a repeat of the 1987 world cup. Sporting individuals: preseason and trials are just around the corner for many sporting teams and codes. Conditioning your body and being match fit maybe a major priority in mind. People with church positions maybe hoping for time to come a little bit faster...These are all reasons that can contribute to stress and a sense of failure may kick in, feelings of being inadequate or hard done by cause you feel you could’ve done better.

This time for me is quiet challenging, for a uni student this time matters with major exams in sight. I know for others this time maybe challenging for you as well.  In saying this when we are feeling stressed, lacking motivation or direction for our lives it’s a wise decision to seek help... it is times like this we ought to seek God! Sometimes we only come to him when things are going wrong lesson learned a life with Christ is not all smooth sailing, because the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing. There are storms, but in these storms God seeks to know where our hearts are. Even when things seem perfect and fine is there thanksgiving, more importantly is it channelled back to him? “if you aren’t struggling there’s something wrong” sometimes to struggle is not a bad thing there is a refining process in progress... one preacher said “we are always going to God saying what big problems we have in life. How about we try going to our problems and say how big and great our God is and how he is able!” if he created the universe and everything in it, every being. Surely this places a positive prospective on the problems we seemingly label “big” are they? our problems are not ours so give it to God. When we are going through  a storm God is always there but we are sometimes fiapoko and try in our own might to row to safety not knowing God was asking for the paddle to row and steer  us through the storm.

Christmas is around the corner, a lot maybe happening in your life we live in a time that screams out BUSY! BUSY! BUSY!!!... But don’t let our busy lives be a reason that we are choosing our careers and education over quality time with family friends and loved ones. But ultimately don't let it be the reason you don’t join in the greatest party ever planned, that’s just around the corner as well and when he comes we can fist pump and there will be no more hardships, no more exams no more early mornings for work or any else that may be deemed as important but stressful  in life just eternity with him. Take time to seek him and all the cares of this world seem conquerable, Because he lives! He is our father in heaven but he is the best’s friend you could always depend on. Exams are my biggest concerns at the moment but by asking him to walk with me during this hectic time i can succeed! “ i can you can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” dedicate our job to him, dedicate our studies to him dedicate whatever we do to him and life will be worth living.

Proverbs 3:5,6 “Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths
